quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2008

Strike Band

Strike Band

There are many kinds of music in Brazil, now I will know the "Strike Band".
Strike is a Punk Rock band formed in 2003, in a city called Juiz
de Fora, Minas Gerais.

Members of the Band:
• Marcelo Mancini - Vocalist
• André Maini - Guitar

• Fábio Perez - Bass

• Cadu - Drum kit

•Rodrigo Maciel - guitar and backup singer

Some Songs:
Paraíso Proibido - This is Malação's oppening song. Malhação is a Brazilian soap opera. (You can see more explanation under this page)
◘ Aquela História
(That story)
◘ Pra Ela Voltar

◘ Pena que Acabou
(What a pitty, it's over)
◘ O Jogo Virou ( a brazilian expression for "the tables were turned' - literally - the game was turned)
◘ O Teu Olhar
(Your look)
◘ Sempre Quis
( I always wanted)

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