sábado, 7 de março de 2009

School Have Begun

School have begun just some days ago - My school at 26th February - And so many schools from here - 2nd March.
Like everywhere, 1st day of school is always really cool. It's time to meet friends again, the old ones and also some new - new teachers and so on.
It has just begun and I already have some big class works to do.One of them is about Canadian Culture. - If you are Canadian and would like to tell me something such as Tv programs you like to watch or places you go in your town, Thanks.^_^
Now you will see some pictures from my schooll - (Ok I should take some new ones, these were taken during past year)

This picture shows the front part of my school - I think in this photo appears nobody who is my classmate - HAHA

My school was called CEFET - as you can see on the painting on the wall - But in 2009 they exchanged the name into IFET and after that - it was finally exchanged to IFSUL

Haha, as you can see here, my school is not as the typical schools - there are some ducks. Ok you won't think in every school from Brazil there are animals...it depends.
You can see also the lake where the ducks stay.

You can see below a closer view from that lake^^
Now you know a little about where I go every morning - I wake up at 6:00am and I must be there at 7:30 am when class starts - then I see these images almost everyday.

Last friday ( 03/07) I had my first class about Brazilian Culture - That was great. So every different and new thing I learn or discover about my country I will write here - Its a way to everybody knows things you can't find in books, but with people, and with the life ^_^

Bye bye xD

quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2008

Merry Christmas - Feliz Natal

Hey Everybody! Firstly I would like to wish Merry Christmas! Best wishes. Peace, happiness. Soon I am going to my Grandma's house, in a city a bit far from here, called Canoas. There will be everybody together waiting for Santa Claus haha

Merry Christmas again!
See ya^^

terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2008

Orkut - The Brazilian facebook

Some people ask me if I have myspace or Facebook when they talk to me in MSN. I have facebook (I guess haha). But I don't use it. Here the "Brazilian Facebook" is called Orkut. In this social networking service 51,02% of the members are Brasilians. Really popular. ^^
If you would like to creat a profile, click here

Its a bit different if you compare with facebook. It doesn't have a wall but a scrap page, a reserved page where you receive every your scraps.
And now it has some new functions, like dubby poke. A personal animated character that you can create and interact with other user's dubby poke.

You can see my dubby poke below. My friend Vitor helped me to create it ^^.

quarta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2008

São Leopoldo Fest - A traditional German-Brazilian festival

Now you are going to know a "festival" which happens in São Leopoldo.

São Leopoldo is a city located in northeast region of Rio Grande do Sul (south of Brazil). This city is where cames the first German immigrants group. Now you can find people with German origin in Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina and São Paulo. Brazil is like a mix of many cultures. Germans, Italians, Japaneses, Africans, Indians. Every are brazilians
So, now there are many German dialects in Brazil, but most Brazilian-Germans speak only Portuguese nowadays. This is mainly due to the prohibition of German teaching in schools and the publication of German newspapers (together with Italian and Japanese) during World War II, when Brazil broke off diplomatic relations with Germany (and also with the other Axis Powers, Italy and Japan ). However, is still spoken by over 600,000 Brazilians as a first or second language.
São leopoldo Fest
São Leopoldo Fest, is a festival like a mix of German and Brazilian Culture. I went to there during my winter vacations. That was so cool, has till restaurants with traditional German food, Italian and Japanese restuarants. This year it happened at Junly 21th to July 29 Here you can see some pictures

Traditional german dance in São Leopoldo >>

Regional Music

segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2008

North American TV programs displayed in Brazil

Eu a patroa e as crianças

There are common things between Brasil and USA. For example, some TV programs. Last day, I was watching the program "My Wife and Kids" here it's called "Eu a patroa e as crianças" (me, the wife and kids), then I decided to write here. I really like this program, so cool. =D This program is display by SBT (Brazilian television system) channel 5 of Porto Alegre, capital of my state. It is display every week Monday to saturday

As visões da Raven

An other TV program which I watch is called: "That's so Raven", which the name in Brasil is "As visões da Raven" (the visions of the Raven). This is displayed together with "My wife and kids". Both programs were reapeated many times and it continues doing sucess. (well, I think so, hehe)
Here you can watch the oppening, with the song in portuguese.

That's so Raven

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

Movie - Se eu fosse você

Here, in Brazil we also produce movies. Now I am going to tell about a film called:

"Se EU fosse VOCÊ"
"Se eu fosse você" (If I was you) is a brazilian romantic comedy film which I really liked.
Movie's Story:
Cláudio is a sucessfull advertising man who is married with Helena, a music teacher who takes care of children of a choir . Someday, they have an arguing greater than normal, something strange happened and they exchange their bodies. Now, the only one way is to try looking normal untill this crazy thing be finished. But in the meantime they are going to face crazy and so funny things! =D

This film have done so much sucess, it took about 3.644.956 people to the movie.
And in 2008 they will premiere "Se eu fosse você 2" I think this new one will be as good as the previous.

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

Elite Squad - Tropa de Elite

The Elite Squad

Other national movie is called "The Elite Squad", I think you have ever heared about this movie or you already watched it. So the story happens in Rio de Janeiro, in southeast region of Brazil. If you already watched this movie, I can guess you would think that Brazil is a places where there are shoot-out, drugs, dead and it happens every time, when you walk on the streets, suddenly you hear a shooting....IT'S NOT IN THIS WAY! !
Of course, it exists (like in every place) but not often like you can see in the movie. I live in south and I have never seen something like that to happen. In the
film this idea is so exaggerated. If you don't know what is the film about here is an explanation: The movie is a semi-fictional which account of the BOPE (Police Special Operations Battalion) combats drug trafficking. Keeping order has its price though and their actions make it difficult to distinguish right from wrong and justice from revenge. BOPE Captain Nascimento (Wagner Moura) is facing a crisis: in addition to the pressures of fighting within war zones, the Captain must find and train his own replacement so he can escape daily violence and get close to his wife who is about to give birth to their first child.
This film is still too controversial....

quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2008

Strike Band

Strike Band

There are many kinds of music in Brazil, now I will know the "Strike Band".
Strike is a Punk Rock band formed in 2003, in a city called Juiz
de Fora, Minas Gerais.

Members of the Band:
• Marcelo Mancini - Vocalist
• André Maini - Guitar

• Fábio Perez - Bass

• Cadu - Drum kit

•Rodrigo Maciel - guitar and backup singer

Some Songs:
Paraíso Proibido - This is Malação's oppening song. Malhação is a Brazilian soap opera. (You can see more explanation under this page)
◘ Aquela História
(That story)
◘ Pra Ela Voltar

◘ Pena que Acabou
(What a pitty, it's over)
◘ O Jogo Virou ( a brazilian expression for "the tables were turned' - literally - the game was turned)
◘ O Teu Olhar
(Your look)
◘ Sempre Quis
( I always wanted)

quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2008


Malhação is a Brazilian young soap opera which is display by “Rede Globo”. It started at april 14th, 1995 and it continues till today.
This soap opera shows the daily life of adolecent people from Rio de Janeiro, and their disputes at school, family, friends and their loving relationships. In each year there is a different couple which becomes the main point of the story. This couple must to face all the obstacles prepared by villains.
These are Malhação's logo






Here you can watch Malhação's opening


Hello to everybody.
Now I am gonna write a little about the food. Here we have many kinds of food, would be necessary a big book to write everything. hehe.
Each region has your traditional food and also popular food. As I live in south, I can tell better about this region.

In my state we eat a dessert called Sago.
Here you can read the recipe:


9 tea cups of water
1 tea cup and a half of sago
Clove and cinnamon
1 tea cup of red currant

1 tea cup of red wine
1 tea cup of sugar


1 To soak the sago in water during the night and prepare it in the morning
2 To cook the sago with water, cinnamon and clove mixing always during about 35 minutes or until the sago beco
mes transparent.
3 Add wine, sugar and the red-current, to cook during about 10 minutes.
4 Done you can eat it cold or warm. Enjoy your meal ! ^^